
Yesterday morning i watched you sitting,
enveloped in layers of soft white fabric.

You sat holding a large silver bowl of sacred water
that seemed suspended, weightless, in front of you.

With eyes closed, you sat forever motionless,
the lag in the webcast stretching time.

I stopped moving, my breath slow and imperceptible
as if belonging to someone else.

Once again i watched you, imprinting your image
to carry with me into quiet moments and meditations.

This morning i saw you again as i sat with closed eyes.
In the silence you were joined by another.

In a clearing, surrounded by trees with light filtering through,
your image overlaid his.

I recognized the Buddha.
Stillness and deep quiet filled my being.

I sat peacefully in front of you,
as i have throughout time.

Amritapuri, November 24, 2014

Categories: The JourneyTags: , ,


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your blog and find it inspiring.


  2. Beautiful expressive thought provoking. Thank you for this post and for following me.


  3. Thank you Karuna. I feel very touched by what you wrote. A felt sense that you ‘know’ this place.


  4. Your poem is beautiful and moving. Thanks so much.

    Liked by 1 person

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