Choosing Abundance Rather Than Scarcity

Additional to what is required for ordinary use.
Give (something of which one has enough) to (someone); afford to give to.

After reading my friend Karuna’s blog I was left contemplating the word spare.
A line kept going through my mind:
Brother can you spare a dime?
Where have I heard this before. It’s from a song… but which one?”

According to Wikipedia
“Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” is one of the best-known American songs of the Great Depression.

One Dime

As I heard the line Brother, can you spare a dime? repeating itself in my head I started seeing images.

Hands outstretched
Young children standing on sidewalks
Women, men
Young and old hands
White, brown, black
Small and large
Strong and worn out
Smudged with dirt
Broken fingernails
Fingers frozen with arthritis
Cut off gloves on cold days
Images of Käthe Kollowitz’s drawings of hands pass before my eyes.

Brother/sister can you spare a dime?
Can I pause,
See beyond the outstretched hands
The tattered clothes
Plastic bags with personal belongings
The smell of urine or alcohol.

Find the eyes
Hold the gaze
See beyond the broken, missing teeth
Can I be in this moment.
Be with the part of me that feels fear
Has judgments
And wishes others were different.

Sister can you spare some kindness
Some care
Some time
Some food.

As if time and kindness were measurable,
rather than infinite.
Do I live in abundance and gratitude,
or in scarcity and judgment.

Political debates rage on as if poverty, lack of education and illness were the fate of some and their lack of willingness, rather than the responsibility of all. And the media colludes, constantly reinforcing the belief of scarcity, that there aren’t enough resources to go around, to touch, support, nourish every living being. Not enough to spare.

Can we pause and spare a moment to touch and remember our shared humanity?

Brother, can you spare a dime?
Some change
A smile
Some food
Some water

Some time
Some learning
Some work

Some shelter
Some comfort
Some kindness

Some compassion

Brother, can you spare a dime?

May 30,2016

Inspired by WP Photo Challenge: Spare

Categories: The Journey, Writings


  1. Hello Arati. It’s been a while and I’ve missed you. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there. Yes it has been a while. Thanks for checking in. I’m glad you liked this post. It feels nice to reconnect.
      I stopped by your blog and greatly enjoyed the visit. It sounds like Istambul is a good match for you now. I like the sense of kindness that you convey about the people and your wondering about the impact that joining the EU might have on them.
      I felt moved by the last paragraph in “No Regrets”. A sense of being present in that moment with the wonder and miracle of having your baby daughter and yes, “we should all have a little Edith in us.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting entry! Makes me want to see more of your work; I’ll be following your blog from now on.

    Have a great day! 🙂


  3. I love your interpretation of “spare.” Very creative, and your words are very moving.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Just beautiful, Arati, and how sickening and shameful that when it comes to electing our leaders, we opt for those who pander most to our perceived self-interests, and to placating our misconceived and self-centric fears? I just read that 55% of Americans don’t even like Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump, and yet one or the other will be president come November – a democracy that elects a leader the majority openly dislike. Sociologists should have a field day with all this, but you know what they all say: “Buddy can you paradigm”. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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