Don’t Wait Until…

To all the familiar voices expounding
I should
I have to
I gotta
I don’t have time
It’s gotta be done today
If I don’t no one else will
If I don’t do this it won’t happen…



Watch a sunset or sunrise
through the branches of your favorite trees
or on the horizon beyond ocean
lake or desert
or reflected in the windows of tall buildings.

Have a cup of tea, herbal or black
decaf coffee, or enjoy the caffeine.
A glass of wine … or not.
Take a moment to sit
to stroll barefoot at the edge of the ocean
river or lake
in a meadow or city park.

Chill, as someone I love would say.

Don’t wait until ….



Categories: Photography, The JourneyTags: , , , , ,


  1. Reblogged this on Living, Learning and Letting Go and commented:
    This post by my friend Arati makes an important point in an unusual way. Enjoy!


  2. I love this post. May I re-blog it?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice work Arati. The senses don’t think. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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